
j18n is a web application for collaborative internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) of jdk-based (Java, Scala, Groovy, Clojure, et al) software projects. It integrates everyone in your company/team that has a role in defining the content of your application (product, QA, client services, engineering, translators, management, etc)—allowing everyone to work collaboratively and in real-time in the cloud, while providing simple integration with your software code.
If you i18n your JDK-based software, it will make your life a lot easier.
We know. We ate our own dog food—j18n was used in developing j18n.


  • Project tracking: instantly know the status of your project (per locale/per resource)
  • Collaboration (everyone in your company/team who has a role in defining content working together in a single application)
  • Resource inheritance
  • Versioning of each message's content (master & foreign)
  • Resource Refactoring (keys—add, edit, delete, move—; names; paths; locales)
  • WYSIWYG resource (java .properties file) editor/IDE
  • Dead simple to use
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For software companies that use any Java-based programming language (Java, Scala, Groovy, Clojure, et al) and internationalize their software.
We especially have in mind small to medium-size companies that do frequent releases of their apps.

System Requirements

A modern browser*. An Internet connection—that's it
Javascript must be enabled and you must allow 1st-party session cookies (and it is strongly recommended that you allow 1st-party permanent cookies (so you won't have to login))
3rd-party cookies may be disabled (we don't use any)

*j18n has been extensively QA'd in Firefox 3.6+, Chrome, IE8/9.


  • We especially would like to thank the community of developers who take the time and effort to blog about their experiences, tips, etc. for no other reason they care. Frankly, without their combined wisdom (especially those HTML/CSS gurus), we couldn't have done it.
  • Project Locker
  • Linode
  • Firebug
  • And countless others . . .